Percy the Park Keeper is an animated children's series based on the popular books by British author Nick Butterworth. It stars Percy, and many wild animals, such as the Badger, the Owl, the Fox, the Mice, the Mole, the Robin and so on. ==Characters== *Percy the Park Keeper - Titular character. He maintains the park, and is able to find the time to have fun with the animals. *Fox - A fun loving sort, who tends to make others laugh and can be quite sensitive. *Badger - A wise and sensible sort, but he dislikes water. *Rabbit - An excitable sort, who easily gets timid at anything remotely scary. *Squirrel - An irritable sort, who often buries nuts and acorns. She forgets things very easily. *Hedgehog - A quiet type, who finds his spines very problematic indeed. *Mice - Playful sorts who are always happy to join in various challenges. *Ducks - They usually play by the duck pond, and migrate when Winter approaches. *Owl - She is active during the day. How helpful her advice is varies from the views of the wild animals. *Robin - Spends most of his life flying around the park and perching on trees. *Mole - He is always in a rush and has trouble finding his way under the ground. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Percy the Park Keeper」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク